
Try Auctions for Discount Vacation Bargains

An often overlooked source of travel bargains is online auctions.

You can find fabulous deals on Romantic Getaways, Timeshares, Cruises, Vacation Rentals, Bed & Breakfasts, Airlines, Vacation Packages with Air, Vacation Packages without Air.

Some will be from resorts themselves. Some will be airline vouchers that have an expiration date that people want to sell because they can't use them in time. Some will be Vacation Packages sold as fund raisers from non-profit agencies.

The cheapest ones will be from companies which require you to attend a 90 minute Timeshare sales meeting (often these can be high pressure things -- you may want to leave your credit card and check book elsewhere).

With auction sites you can check the Feedback Rating of the seller and read the feedback from other buyers (highly recommended you do that).

To get a look at what kind of deals you find Click Here.